Monday, March 18, 2013

spring cleaning

It's spring cleaning time! No, I don't mean your floors, pantry, or under your bathroom sink. I mean your closet. What do you store, throw out, or donate? Set aside a few hours, brew some coffee (or pour a glass of vino) and get ready to make some decisions. If it's been awhile since your last closet detox, you may consider splitting this task into categories, such as pants one day, tops the next, etc. 

You might feel like you have a lot less clothes post-detox, but the items you saved are ones you truly love and will wear. Getting rid of old or unworn clothes should be fun. After all, it makes room for new ones! Right?! 

There are many "golden rules" of cleaning out your closet, many of which I will list in this post, but consider this as the #1 rule: anything you haven't worn in a year or more should be tossed, donated, or stored

I like to make 4 piles: Yes, Maybe, Alter, and Get Rid of Immediately (i.e. why did I ever like this?).

Get rid of an item if...
  • you have not worn it in a year or more
  • the piece is beyond repair OR has lost its shape
  • it doesn't fit and having the item altered is not an option
  • you just don't like it anymore
  • you have too many of a similar item - such as white tank tops, black tights, or grey workout pants
  • the item is stained (I'm looking at you, armpits!)
  • it does not pass the "two tries rule," which is that you have tried on the piece twice but decided on another item instead
Having trouble with the Maybe pile? If you have a classic, well-fitting item but are just bored with it, try adding fun accessories - scarf, necklace, belt, or shoes before getting rid of it.

After your closet is detoxed, it's time to organize. Organize by tops, pants, skirts, blazers, etc. If you're extra motivated, color coordinate within these categories. Also, make sure all your clothes are facing the same way. 

If an item is in very good condition, consider selling it on eBay or to a consignment store. Alternatively, you can offer some of the items to a friend, and then donate everything else to a charity such as a homeless shelter,,,, or the old standby's - Goodwill and Salvation Army.

Before going shopping again, refer to this list of items every woman/man needs in his/her wardrobe. 
I hope this inspires you to detox your wardrobe. Here is my project for the next couple of days. Wish me luck! Stay tuned for my progress.

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