Friday, April 5, 2013

dare to dream and find success

"She wasn't where she had been.
She wasn't where she was going,
but she was on her way."
- Jodi Hills

I love the quote above. I find it both encouraging and comforting because it hits close to home. Everyone has a different definition of success - both professionally and personally. We all know that success comes with very hard work, and that "nothing worth having ever comes easy." I have to remind myself of this mantra all the time, however I still give up too easily. Sometimes I won't even try something because I am scared to fail. But what do I have to lose? Do we get in the way of achieving our own success? Do we sabotage ourselves - perhaps even subconsciously? I know I do. 

In order to get myself back on the path of becoming the successful woman I know I can be, I am going to spend some time answering these questions:

What makes me feel great about myself?
What do I want my life to look like? 
What don't I want my life to look like?
What am I naturally good at?
What am I most often complimented on?
What do others look to me for?
What do I have the most fun doing?
What ideas, things, places and people am I most inspired by?

Here are some other things that will help you dare to dream and find your way to success:
Be able to laugh at yourself and learn to control your anger and/or disappointment when you fail. Emotions will get the best of you sometimes, after all, we are human. Resist resentment and practice forgiveness - to others AND yourself. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not those who drag you down. Be a breath or fresh air to those around you by displaying kindness, peace, compassion, grace and beauty.

Most importantly, believe in yourself and keep going. Don't give up on and fight for who you are. Remember, you've got to go through the worst times in life to get to the best. Set your sights high and do not get distracted by smaller goals and endless to-do's. If the first 20 doors don't open, perhaps the 21st will. But you will never know until you knock on the door.

I am nowhere near where I want to be yet, but I know I'll get there. I have to tell myself everyday to take risks and keep knocking on those doors. Always do your best and create the life you want to live! 

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